Delicious Hanky Pankies Appetizer Recipe

Delicious Hanky Pankies Appetizer Recipe

1 lb. ground beef
1 lb. ground sausage
1 tbls. garlic salt
1 tbls. oregano
1 tbls. ground pepper
1 tbls. dry onion
1 lb. Velveeta cheese
1 pkg. rye bread squares

Fry and brown sausage and beef, drain well. Add chunk
cheese and stir until melted. Mix these next ingredients
into meat mixture, garlic salt, oregano, ground pepper
and dry onion. Simmer for 15-30 minutes. Place a teaspoon
of mixture on each rye square. Place on cookie sheet and
broil 8 minutes until they bubble. Makes 60 appetizers.

Freezes very well also.

Hanky Pankies appetizer recipe


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