Fresh from the Garden Cucumbers with Apple Cider Vinegar recipe
Fresh from the Garden Cucumbers with Apple Cider Vinegar recipe (2 garden size cucumbers per. serving) cucumbers, peeled and sliced 1/4" thick Onion, peeled and sliced 1/4" thick 1/2 tsp salt (adjust per cucumber) Apple Cider vinegar Combine cucumbers and onions in a bowl. With your fingers mix together while shaking the salt over all(so salt is evenly distributed). Let soak for 3 hours. I give mine a stir a few times during soaking period. After soaking, DRAIN the juice that has formed. Pour vinegar over all until mostly covered. Add a pinch of black pepper, stir, let stand 10 minutes, stir again, then serve. Tip: I prep. this in the morning and let them soak all day until supper time. Longer the better I think for the true flavor. Yum!! ...